
Friday, 30 November 2012

A must read post before the Level I exam

I was about to create a post comprising of some points to ponder before the level I exam, I came across this post which was received through an email.

here goes the link

This is a must read post with a lot of things you must be thinking of doing or have been already practising.. Don't forget about your passport, exam ticket, working calculator (with functioning batteries) and of course stationary.

Good Luck and all the best for the exam.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Level I Exam - Some important tips (Part 1)

I heard somewhere that if you rank, the most powerful strength is the strength of faith followed by mental strength and then comes the physical strength. Reminds me of Batman Begins, the first episode of an epic series by Christopher Nolan, a classic example of the power of soul and belief over physical strength. Believing in yourself is very important for passing the exam and the ability to overcome the fear of failing the exam can really make the difference. Referring to an excellent dialogue of the movie that we fall in order to learn how to stand up, if we start thinking about failing the fear ruin the whole situation. The first and foremost thing in this regard is to overcome this fear and remained focused.

I believe a lot of you have appeared in several mocks and you'd have identified your strongest areas. Starting the exam from the strongest area can boost up the confidence and can give you a winning sense.

For me time was never an issue in both level I exam and level II exam. Same is the case for most of  the students but does that mean we should not bother about time management? I certainly doubt that. The exam is balanced in terms of difficulty level so try spending less time on questions which are straight away and try spending more questions which you find tricky.

Starting the exam from the area which you find difficult and think that with fresh mind you may cover that easily could be a winning strategy for a few but it can result drastically as if questions are left undone then while doing the other areas you could have 'evil thoughts' coming about that area.

Stay tuned for other tips they are on their way...

Sunday, 25 November 2012

What I was doing in last week before Level I exam?

The perspective is entirely different for those who are appearing first time compared to those who are re taking the exam. Since I appeared only once in the LI exam, the feelings which I had were a mixture of somewhat fear and curiosity. Though I had overcome my fear to a reasonable extent by giving CFAI, Schweser and Finquiz mocks but the curiosity to know the actual exam's difficulty level and the experience of having it was residing. The CFAI text EOC questions were my target in the last week along with going through chapter end summaries from the curriculum. I had already gone through the schweser volumes thrice, once before each mock I gave and the smart summaries provided by finquiz were of great help to me in those 6 days. The confidence which revising gave me was immense and that really made the difference. Candidates should go through end of chapter questions a long with chapter end summaries of the curriculum now and if possible try purchasing the smart summaries of finquiz in order to go through the whole syllabus before the exam. Schweser Secret sauce can also serve the cause and make the difference. If you are planning to go through mocks in these days then try solving them in a 'simulated exam environment' by solving the whole morning section then taking a two hours break and then going through the afternoon session. Level I isn't only about knowing the stuff but also about retaining and recalling it in the exam. Stamina along with accuracy and effectiveness counts and 90 seconds are there for one MCQ.

Good Luck

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Getting Enrolled

Let me recall when I had seriously started studying for Level II? This year January I guess... but I was supposed to start in September last year? Of course I did but the element of seriousness was missing! What happened in Jan that made me 'serious'.... well I got enrolled for Level II program in Jan! Does it have any connection? Hell Yeah! For me it is the only connection so far...

Theoretically, according to the schedule which finquiz guys provided me, I should have done by fixed income and equity by now and start with alternative investments but I am way behind the theory. As I have got enrolled in the exam and my books are in the process of being shipped, based upon the analogy I drew, I think I'll start studying now. Particularly it is important in this case as I am not preparing from Schweser, but using the curriculum notes and the CFAI text, for examples and chapter end questions. I would say those who are planning to appear in 2013 and have started their preparations for level III they should get enrolled and not wait for the deadline to come close as CFAI text is necessary for preparations, I think, & biology of belief that since enrolment is done lets start preparing... that inner drive is necessary. It works for me really well.