
Sunday, 7 April 2013

Revision Kick Start

I may have mentioned it earlier but I am using FinQuiz notes, as I used them in Level II, along with Schweser study notes to prepare for LIII. The whole week I spent on revising Fixed Income (reading 23,24,25,26) and IPS for individual investors. As I have been discussing it earlier the simple way to check our retention level is to note the time one takes to revise the stuff. If we are taking the same time as it was taken during the first reading again then the situation is a bit worst. If we are taking less time while revising the same area then we are progressing in terms of retention. It is very important to follow the same study material which was used to cover the topics at first place. Like I used the FQCN for reading 10 to on wards till 14, I was able to revise the stuff in quite less time and more efficiently. Similarly the areas which I've covered through Schweser, I will revise from there to save my time & increase their effectiveness.

The next week I'll be doing readings on making IPS for institutions along with the section covering Equity (Reading 27 to 30).