
Sunday, 19 February 2012

Mistakes - Excellent opportunity to learn

While doing Finquiz questions of equity, I made a lot of mistakes. The good thing was I game more than average time on reviewing the questions. This was particularly because I was getting a chance to rectify my self and reinforce my learning as they provided me an opportunity to learn. The question which took place in my mind was related to my 'pleased' attitude towards mistakes. I mean in order to learn from the mistakes you need to make them! Is it always advisable to make mistakes? Certainly not in the exam... This precisely what I was informing myself against my normal attitude. Ideally I should have scolded myself of not getting the topic but I was exploring my mistakes to learn from them with default peace of mind!

Lately I figured out that may be it is not the right time to scold myself for making mistakes. I mean it is February going on and plenty of days are left before 3rd June (exam date). The way I am heading towards the syllabus, it would end by the first week of April and my first mock is scheduled in mid May. If in May I make mistakes then it will be alarming but for today, and till I complete my first reading, exploring the wrong answers that why they are wrong is the right choice whereas in May while doing plenty of chapter end questions, item sets and mocks asking myself why I choose the wrong answer would be the right choice!

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