
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Linked in - Income Statement (Extracts)

All amounts in million dollars
Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Dec-11
Revenues 78.8 120.1 243.1 522.2
COGS 18.6 25.9 44.8 81.4
Gross Profit 60.2 94.2 198.3 440.8
SG&A 30 46.3 94 239.6
R&D 29.4 39.4 65.1 132.2
DA 29.4 39.4 65.1 132.2
Other Operating Exp, Total 65.7 97.6 178.7 414.9
Operating Income -5.5 -3.4 19.6 25.9
NI (Continuing Operations) -4.5 -4 15.4 11.9
COGS % of Sales 23.6% 21.6% 18.4% 15.6%
SG&A % of Sales 38.1% 38.6% 38.7% 45.9%
R&D % of Sales 37.3% 32.8% 26.8% 25.3%
Gross Profit Margin 76.4% 78.4% 81.6% 84.4%
Operating Profit Margin -7.0% -2.8% 8.1% 5.0%
Net Income Margin -5.7% -3.3% 6.3% 2.3%

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