
Wednesday, 28 March 2012

LOS Command Words

Exam is approaching and only 65 days are left. We must be completed with the first reading within next few weeks so that we are left with ample time to revise the syllabus at least once before appearing into mocks. It will enable us to highlight our strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly. This is the time to read the material with exams perspective. Since exam is designed in a way that the LOS are tested, we must have an overview of the command words so that we could figure out what the CFA Institute is demanding from us regarding a particular topic. As mentioned earlier this is the time to focus more on the material with exams perspective as compared to complete and in depth understanding considering every dimension... Below is the link to LOS Command words I think you all should go through those to better gauge what exactly the CFA Insitute wants us to be equipped for on the exam day.

Good Luck.

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