
Friday, 27 April 2012

Got the ticket today...

The examination ticket is available on the CIE website. I got it downloaded today and matched the details with my passport. The ticket is different than it was in the previous year. It reminds me of the days last year when I was preparing for Level I. As compared to that I can certainly experience great deal of addition to my knowledge and so does the exam pressure. This is the moment for me not to bother about result as luck does matter in Level II. Can I fight with that? Well certainly no but will it give me a fair play? I believe yes and I need to give tough time to it. Almost done with first reading except 3,4 LOS. Aiming to revise the whole syllabus at least once. FinQuiz curriculum notes are quite helpful in that regard... 370 pages summing up the whole curriculum and missing nothing. Will be appearing in the mocks after 20th May and share the results. Fingers crossed for Level II exam but the fear is failure is no more. Those who cannot face failure have no right to win! I need to put in my best efforts because they are in my control. What if I fail? Will appear in the Level II exam again and will keep on appearing every year unless I pass. Will failure be another opportunity to learn? Certainly that would be. Am I thinking about the exam result? Nah... will start thinking over it after 3rd June.. At present the full focus is on revising the stuff and making myself better in it.

Good Luck for the Exam.

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