
Monday, 23 July 2012

Shit happens but Life moves on...

The greatest all-rounder in 150 years cricket history, Imran Khan, was dropped from the team after he played the first match. He is the only fast bowler in the cricket history to have changed his bowling action and have succeeded. With his career's last match he, as the caption of the team, won the world cup in 1992. So much from the Cricketing Legend. I once heard him saying that you do not deserve to win unless you have the potential to face failure. These words have changed my life. Confidence does shatter after getting failed but only those succeed who manage to build themselves up for another try. It took us all 7 to 8 long months to prepare for the CFA Level II exams, we all put in our best to prepare ourselves for nailing it but what if we fail??? Less than 24 hours left for the result to be announced. Recalling the exam reminds me of the uncertainty I was having while rolling the circles specially in Ethics, & Economics. FRA & Ethics grant me a bit of confidence but one never knows what will happen. Lets hope for the best and be ready for the worst. Like its said... Shit happens but life moves on...

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