
Friday, 10 August 2012

Ultimately its passing the exam!

I can recall when I had received the result of Level I last year, I had achieved excellence by scoring above 70 in how many areas? You can understand by the word excellence! I feel no doubt in saying that if I had tried to achieve the same excellence in Level II, I would have definitely failed the exam! Am I joking? Certainly not... Thanks God I realized this thing by scoring below 50 in derivatives in a routine test in early days of my preparation. It literally doesn't matter how you've passed the exam unless you haven't failed! Around three months before the exam I had figured out to score above 70 in Equity, Ethics, FRA, Fixed Income and Corporate Finance and guess what... I did that. These areas comprise a major area of the exam and scoring well in them definitely holds weight. I divided my time, energies, practice and revision to focus more on these areas and focus less on other areas. Quants had three readings I didn't give a shit about them. Yes I had spent time on Economics but glad to learn that CFAI has reduced the readings in 2013. So trying to achieve same result in all areas can prove troublesome for many. I would say its better to organize considering the weights. 

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