
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

How did I use FinQuiz Curriculum Notes?

Particularly I am writing this in response to a recent comment on a post previously published. I used FinQuiz notes as an alternate to the CFAI text. It helped me in multiple ways as the material was much more organized and consisted of highlighted point in the form of bullets. Moreover the structure was more or less of the CFAI text unlike other notes providers as they focus on LOS in spite of covering the whole area. I was able to revise the syllabus multiple times due to the notes due to their comprehensiveness. Another approach in this regard could be to first go through the CFAI text and then utilize the notes. It could be counter productive. Using primarily the curriculum notes and then approaching CFAI text for the areas which Curriculum Notes fail to provide adequate details could be a productive approach.

Doing CFAI text examples along with chapter end questions is a must. Following a schedule while preparing for CFA Exams is inevitable in passing and I can certainly say FinQuiz curriculum notes provide you with an opportunity to follow a schedule, complete studies in time, be organized, consistent and can revise the syllabus multiple times before the exam.


  1. I didn't see your comment under the original thread and was a bit disappointed. Thanks for sharing. Starting to agree to just do multiple passes of FinQuiz notes w/BB and EOC questions from CFAI. I also have the FinQuiz Q-Bank and Smart Summaries, so will definately be utilizing those as well. Any other L2 tips? What was your general schedule (i.e. when did you start, how many hours per weekday/weekend day, continuous 2-3 hr sessions at night or split between morning and evening, etc.) Just got my books and completely overwhelmed so all advice is appreciated!

  2. Actually I'm using Elan guides notes, I need your opinion about Test bank, is it worth it to pay 200 $ or not? waht about Smart summaries.?

  3. I started off last year in September and I completed the first reading by 2nd week of April. In last 6 weeks I revised the syllabus twice and it was only possible due to the notes as they are quite comprehensive. Smart Summaries were amazing during those 6 weeks especially before mocks.

    It isn't possible for me to study continuously for hours. I can only be consistent for few mins and then I need to look here or there or think something else to gear up. I always read in chunks and try to make those slots as productive as I can in terms of understanding. Level II isn't about remembering but much more about understanding. The technicalities and mechanics have been completely discussed in Level II and Level III is entirely from portfolio perspective. So consider it as your final level if you need to know mechanics.

    Regarding Test Bank and Smart Summaries, I had purchased their complete package. Their item sets are excellent and Smart Summaries like I said helped me a lot before the mocks.

  4. Just to confirm, did you read the cfai books first time and then revise using the FinQuiz notes or all three times you just read the FiNQuiz notes? Also, did you use the test bank as you completed each reading or closer to the exam date during your revision? Thanks again, Muhammad.

  5. I did not read the CFAI text books at all. I just went through finquiz notes and the things which required details, I consulted the curriculum. The structural flow of finquiz notes is similar to the CFAI text that is why taking it along with the curriculum is very easy. I used their item sets after every reading and during my revision i did CFAI end of chapter (EOC) questions.

    Pleasure is always mine!
